Finally, I've managed to do my first Folksy Friday (thanks to the brilliant Haptree and her very helpful blog!). This weekend I'm off down to the South Coast to see my Boyfriend's parents - off to Portsmouth and Poole, so thought I'd inject a bit of Summertime Seaside fun in advance of a (hopefully) sunny weekend! Just click on the pictures to be taken to the lovely Folksy shops :)
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Custom Cards & Summery Greenwich!
Phew, what a busy few weeks! The virtual cash and cards have been flying around over the last 2 weeks to my amazement, hence the quietness of my Blog! It's Mother's Day coming up soon in the States and other places, so I've some lovely orders from my Etsy shop coming through for my 'SuperMom' card. Typical that then of all times that a Volcano decided to shed its load! But I have to say, my lovely US (and one Aussie!) customers have been lovely and totally understood - a big thank you guys!
We've also done another market stall at the lovely Greenwich Indoor Market, unveiling our new 'Summer' look! What do you think?

I've had quite an array of custom orders recently over Folksy, involving Toothbrushes, Terriers and Robots! Try and spot the logo of a well-known Folksy shop that the owner kindly let me use on her card order ;0) So here's a few pics for you - some of my followers may spot their card!

Over and out - off to stock up on sleep for more Craft Corner action tomorrow!
Saturday, 10 April 2010
The Owl and The Butterfly...
..didn't go to see in a beautiful pea green boat! (well, that's what's going through my head anyway). No, this is actually the name of our lovely little stall in Greenwich Market, created by me and my bestest friend and partner in crime and crafts, Pip, aka. The Owl & The Party Hat. Yup, she's the Owl and I'm the Butterfly- genius or what! We were meant to be selling our wares at Greenwich today, but unfortunately didn't get a stall this time; seems the rare lovely weather brought all stall holders from afar! So I thought I'd tell you a bit about us in my unexpected free it meant we got to sit in Pip's garden in the sun eating baguette bacon butties - every cloud has a silver lining!
Greenwich, if you haven't been, is a stunning place and very 'calm' too after the madness of central London! Well worth a trip - especially if you go on the weekend when the Craft Market's on!
We've been running our little stall for about 3 months now, and here's a few piccies of our wares to tickle your fancy. I hope you'll agree that we've 'improved with age'...our first few stalls were a bit product-happy!
Our first ever weekend Stall - December and we could sunbathe! (well, Winter styley...)
Then we discovered how to build layers into our stall, and I discovered a hidden use for toast racks!
Pip's handmade brooch goodies
And our most recent stall for Mother's Day - we've now started to use the sides of the stall too, what do you think?
Other news this week - eventually, aged 26, I finally went to my first proper UK football match! I know, not quite sure how I managed not to go until now either! It was great fun, though there wasn't as big an appearance of pie, chips and gravy as I'd expected, boo. Bournemouth won though!
Right, time to go soak myself in a bit of sun I think - you never know when it's going to vanish, this could be our bit of 'Summer' for all you know! (though I seriously hope not...)
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Happy Easter & Etsy Weddings!
Better late then never - Happy Easter everyone! Hope you all had a lovely weekend, ate tons of chocolate and yummy cakes with choccy chicks on (as created by my Dad!)...and I have now become the proud owner of a rabbit farm (of the chocolate variety) which I have to demolish at some point over the next few weeks! I also heard some terrible news on Saturday that apparently Mini Eggs had to be recalled because the packaging was that means somewhere in the UK, there's a warehouse with boxes and boxes of Mini Eggs just sitting there un-loved, shocking! Anyone fancy a mission to hunt them down? What I'd give to be a Cadbury's worker at that warehouse right now!

Other news - my little shop hearts on Etsy seem to have rocketed up over the weekend, thanks to my NEW personalised Wedding Card being picked for one of the lovely little Blog pictures on their new Spring Wedding Voter - thanks Etsy! It's crazy when you realise the power of the Etsy feature!

There's some stunning items picked for the Voter, so if you've got a spare minute, go choose your favourite.
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